März 29, 2012

TTT - The List / Die Liste

Übersetzung für Mama unten ;-)

Well, I was thinking about joining the WIP-Linky Party for the first time.

And I am thinking about making a small tutorial for Layered Latte Macchiato.

Knusperflocken in the front ;-)
Sarah is begging me already ;-) Would anybody else be interested?

Yes, I said thinking ;-)
So, I guess the better place to be for me right now is the Thursday Think Tank hosted by the lovely Rebecca Lynne.

Talking about Rebecca, two days ago I recieved the Little Apples Layer Cake I won over at her blog a little while ago.

I think she wrapped it in such a cute way and there was even a little big surprise waiting for me.

Wrapped in yellow was the coolest Peace Love Quilt coaster (I had totally forgotten that this was part of the giveaway, too. I was so focused on the fabric ;-)

Thank you, Thank you, Dankeschön!!!!

The fabric is as adorable as I thought it would be.

I am so excited!!!
I know exactly what I will make with it: Lynne's Hexagon Park! I just got my very first Moda Bella Solids in the mail today: white (how exciting, huh?) And last night I ordered half a metre of those cute apples on turquoise for the binding. This will be a quilt just for myself!

OK, back to TTT:
I thought I have to make a list, since I have what feels like a billion things I want to or have to sew sooner or later.

  • Dead Simple Quilt - Water Lily
  • Halloween Wall Hanging for my little sister (started that years ago)
  • Smallish special quilt
  • Big special quilt 
  • Hexagon Park Quilt just for me ;-)
In order to reach my goal of selling my own stuff and maybe even designing some patterns I bought a couple of patterns for purses and wallets, also to improve my abilities and speed (and just because I love pouches, bags and wallets - which girl doesnt ;-)
 I also wanted to get more into making clothes, so I got some patterns for some shirts and a skirt, too:
Well, that is a long list! I am exhausted just by typing it ;-)
I'm sure it's gonna get longer and I hope I can cross out a few things soon.

The biggest WIP right now: (embarrassing picture coming up)

This is a BIG desk, but I havent seen the surface in forever. I am gonna turn this into a crafting desk and I want to rearrange my whole living room (it's big, but I have a lot of wasted space).

So for now, I am linking up with

Thursday Think Tank

German summery for my mom ;-)
Hier nochmal auf Deutsch zusammengefasst:
Ich habe geschrieben, dass der Layer Cake, den ich vor einer Weile gewonnen hatte, endlich bei mir angekommen ist und dass es als kleine Überraschung (weil ich mich nicht mehr daran erinnern konnte), einen coolen Keramik-Untersetzer gab (2. Foto).

Dann habe ich geschrieben, welchen Quilt ich damit nähen möchte; und zwar diesen hier und dass dieser nur für mich sein wird ;-)

Unter THE LIST habe ich die Dinge aufgelistet, die ich demnächst nähen "muss" oder möchte (inklusive Links zu den Schnittmustern). Es sind doch schon so einige Projekte und so verliere ich vielleicht nicht den Überblick und kann dann hoffentlich bald auch was durchstreichen.

Und als letztes ein peinliches motivierendes Foto meiner größten Baustelle ;-)
Ich möchte gerne mein Wohnzimmer neu gestalten, damit ich es besser zum Nähen und zum Abarbeiten der sicher nicht kürzer werdenden Liste nutzen kann.

5 Kommentare:

  1. Yup, that's some list!! Good luck with the organisation and rearranging - gettin a nice clear workspace will help you get on with things I'm sure ;-)
    Looking forward to the coffee tute!

  2. Vielen Dank für die Übersetzung. Der letzte Satz klingt sehr heldenhaft :-)und Dein persönlicher Hexagon-Quilt ist auch toll. Gutes Gelingen für all Deine Projekte - Verlier nicht die Übersicht.

  3. It will look good When it's cleared away - make sure you show us a picture. I have a whole junk room that I can only just open the door to sort out!

  4. You do have a long list but you've got lots of exciting projects planned. I look forward to seeing them :)

  5. Mmm... fancy coffee.
    Have fun rearranging your space! I'm sure a nice big desk will be useful for checking off things on your list after you clear it off :)
