November 09, 2011

Being thankful for November, 9th 1989

 This is gonna be a picture loaded post but I have a good reason! Today is November, 9th! And until that exact date 22 years ago, this now beautifully restored bridge was one of the few passages between East and West Berlin. And if the Wall hadn't fallen on that day I would probably not be posting today! Being born on the East Side I might not be able to use the internet, I might not be able to speak English. I would not have been able to travel to the USA in 2000 where I met my Darling husband! I would have never met you guys! So last weekend my mom and I dressed up as tourists (just put a camera around your neck ;-) and went to finally see the East Side Gallery. This is a remaining part of the Berlin Wall that starts right at that bridge and has been painted by many artists in 1990. In 2009 many artist came back to renovate their piece of the wall since the paintings were pretty faded or unfortunately smeared with grafitties. Some of those painting you might have seen before cause they are really famous. And here is what I got:

Mr. Gorbatschow

One for quilters ;-)

Dimitri Vrubel: My God, help me to survive this deadly love

Don't forget about Love!

This one seams to be the most famous (by Thierry Noir)

Each rose for one dead of 136

This is the back side (facing the West).

13 Kommentare:

  1. 21 years! Wow! Where did they go? Thanks for the photos - it was very interesting. Seems like the east side of the wall is respected more than the west!

  2. 21 years does sound crazy! But, I remember being in 4th grade when it happened, so that math totally makes sense. Yikes! Your photography is amazing, Sana! Congratulations on the anniversary!

  3. Amazing photos, and an amazing time in history! Thanks for sharing--sure doesn't seem like 22 years ago. Wow!

  4. Your photos are great! I was only 4 in 1989, so I don't know anything about the Berlin Wall except what I read in textbooks, years later, from an American perspective. It is always neat to see photos of amazingly historical structures in other countries, and to hear how those historical events affected other people personally. I'm happy for you!

  5. Thank you for sharing these photos! I was a child when the wall came down and do not even remember my parents or anyone in school talking about it at the time. I've always wanted to visit Berlin and see this in person.

  6. I can remember being about 9 and watching in fascination from the UK as the wall came down, it was probably the 1st news story that really caught my attention. I couldn't really understand why anyone would build a wall that big to keep people out (still don't really!) but I remember being so happy for the people that were getting to see their families again.
    Thank the gods above it did come down and thank you for sharing and reminding us that something so ugly can be turned into something quite beautiful.

  7. Thanks for sharing, Sana. It's always good to hear, first hand, the perspective of someone who actually lives there. Glad you're in blogland.

  8. Thanks for sharing the pictures Sana!

  9. WOW, I remember seeing the wall come down on TV! Thank you for sharing your perspective! I know I'm glad to have "met" you!

  10. Wow. I remember watching that on T.V. Thank God it did come down. What a day! Yes, we have much to be thankful for every day. Blessings...

    Have a great trip to the u.s.a.

  11. I remember this day so vividly! Thank you so much for the memories and the pictures of today. Thank goodness that Wall came down...makes me wonder how many other "walls" are waiting to crumble all around the world. I'm so glad we have you Sana!!!

  12. What a great and touching post! :) My aunt lives in Germany near the border between the east and the west. I remembered that she took me to the east side when I was visiting and it was very much different from the west then (about 15 years ago).

    My boyfriend is in the U.S...the long distance relationship is hard but I think it will be well worth it. I hope you get many chances to meet your husband. :)

    Take care,

    BTW, my dad got his engineer degree from Germany so he can speak German, but I can't :(

  13. What an amazing journey for you and your mother. It's hard to comprehend that this was in our lifetime, isn't it? I remember when the wall came down and how we celebrated here in the US. It has had so much more impact on your life personally. I didn't know about all the art on the wall, thanks for sharing. It is really interesting. I hope to see it in person some day.
