August 04, 2011

Thank you / Dankeschön

Wow, a big thank you to everyone and a warm welcome to all of my new followers. Thank you so much for your nice comments and I hope I can keep you entertained for a while. 
In the unlikely event of me reaching 50 followers at some point I am gonna have a little giveaway and I wouldn't mind shipping it overseas. Well, but we are not there yet ;-)
As you can see, I've no problems with you commenting in English. If you have questione about any older Post that is only written in German feel free to ask me about it.

Ein großes Dankeschön an alle und Herzlich Willkommen an alle neuen Leser. Vielen Dank für die lieben Kommentare und ich hoffe, dass ich euch ein Weilchen unterhalten kann.
Falls ich irgendwann mal 50 Leser haben sollte, würde ich mich zu einer Verlosung hinreißen lassen, aber es ist ja noch nicht so weit ;-)

4 Kommentare:

  1. It is nice to meet someone from Germany! Just love that place.

  2. Liebe Grüsse und wünsche dir einen schönen Tag

  3. It has been fun to meet you too!

  4. Hi Sana. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I'm sorry I didn't leave a comment earlier - I managed to get sidetracked in the middle of reading your posts. Thanks for tracking me down. I look forward to following you. Good luck at reaching 50 in the near future. :)
