Januar 01, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hey ya'll! I'm still alive and I will try to prove it more often in 2013.
A crazy but good year came to an end yesterday and a great one is about to start. I just know it!

First of all, the biggest reason why I was so quiet:
I am NOT ALONE anymore!!!! Yay!
In August my husband and I changed plans and decided it might be the better solution for us if he moved here to Berlin. And that's what happened. Two weeks ago, 1 day after my birthday I got to pick up my greatest gift ever from the airport: my beloved husband!
Since then we were extremely busy getting the papers done and everything. He is now allowed to stay here and work!

Before he got here I spent a good bit of time making room in my smallish apartment! I do wanna move though a.s.a.p!

Earlier this last year I also decided to give up studying Geology. At that point it was making me rather sick than happy and it felt like the last huge obsticle between me and my husband. What can I say: I havent regretted it since. It felt like it was the long needed change in gears and after that so many puzzle pieces fell into place.

I went to a market in August and since then I've been selling my self-sewn items in my little online shop. I sold quite a bit before christmas and it makes me really happy. Getting a positive feedback from a happy customer is definitely much more satisfying than science!
One of my goals for 2013 is to get my little business going, but my biggest New Year's resolution is
I definitely have reasons to be happy: my husband is here, I have a little business going and I am gonna be an AUNT! Woohoo!
My little sister announced on Christmas Eve she is gonna have a baby and we all know what that means, right?
Lot's of sewing ;-) Haha! Stay tuned for tons of baby things!

I hope you all are gonna have many reasons to be happy, too!

16 Kommentare:

  1. Oh wow! I'm so happy for you both! Hurrah! How exciting!

  2. Congrats!! I'm happy for you though I do admit I had hoped you would move to Texas. Better chance for us to meet in person. :)

    I've missed talking with you and now that things have settled a little in my life we can keep up more. And happy belated birthday!

  3. It's looking like 2013 is going to be a VERY good year for you, Sana. Happy New Year!!!

  4. What a lot of great news! Sounds like you're set for a great 2013 :-)

  5. Fantastic news all the way around. It sounds like your new year is off to a fabulous start! Best of luck!

  6. Fantastic - lots and lots of good news! To Be Happy - I think I will borrow that one!

  7. Yahoo! So glad that the two of you can be together.

  8. So happy that you and husband are together at last! Happy New Year to both of you. And a big congrats to your sister ... it's wonderful joy to have a new baby around :)

  9. So pleased that everything has worked out well! Wishing you all the best for 2013

  10. Sana that is wonderful news...It's a really lovely happy story to start the new year off, I'm delighted about your little store and beware....having a new niece or nephew can be quite addictive...especially when you see all that lovely fabric out there. congrats again!

  11. Sounds like you have a great year ahead of you Sana.

    Well done on getting your online store off the ground too.

  12. Good luck with the shop and looks like a very happy New Year ahead x

  13. I can't wait to see what you come up with for 2013! You must be so happy for all the wonderful good news. : )

  14. Hi Sana, I tried to comment here a while ago but Chrome/blogger wasn't letting me that day, I'm so glad to hear all your happy news. Congratulations to you all and good luck with everything, Janine xxx

  15. that is such great news, Sana! im so happy for you, i hope you get ca chance to come back and update us, but if you dont i totally understand! so happy for you and your hubby. yay!
