Juli 03, 2012

Almost Fresh Sewing Day

Well, I know it's not that fresh anymore, but I had made the mosaic and then I was tooooooooo tired to post it, read a lot of blogs or leaving comments. I'm sure most if you know what I mean.

By my standards I was pretty busy sewing and got quite a few things done.
I have to admit this mosaic includes things I've made at the end of April, in May and in June, but it's also missing one bag I am gonna show tommorow ;-)

So, here we go:

I am pretty pleased and hope I can keep it up.
For possible visitors coming over from Lily's: welcome and make yourself at home!

Lily's Quilts

12 Kommentare:

  1. Eine sehr schöne Collektion :-)

  2. Your apple potholders are lovely, and I love your wonky star blocks!

  3. Gorgeous makes! I've been the same with blogging recently. And sewing. Hope July is more energetic for both of us :o)

  4. We all have seasons when even our favourite activities lose their delight - remember, they are hobbies not jobs!

  5. Tolle Sachen hast du da genäht! :)

    LG aus Frankfurt (Oder)

    PS: Auf deine Stoffmarktausbeute bin ich schon ein wenig neidisch^^

  6. Very lovely assortment of projects!!!

  7. It's great to see them all together in the mosaic. Great work!

  8. Its a lovely mosaic:-)
    The potholders looks very summery and VERY cute!

  9. Love the stars. Love everything actually.

  10. Your mosaic looks great! So many fun projects. Can't wait to see the bag! And I find myself using the "too tired" excuse a lot lately...

  11. Lovely mosaic! You've made lots of beautiful things this month :)

  12. Your little apples potholders are so cute! I love your mosaic too. :) I'm stopping in from Fresh Sewing Day.
